St. Michael's Convent, Anjuna

MICHAEL’S CONVENT was founded on 3rd June, 1962. Rev. Fr. Faustino D’Souza, along with sisters Francisca as Superior and Sr. Margaret came from Sancoale and Sr. Leonie came from Navelim. They all met at Cortalim and proceeded to Saligao and reached at around 1.00 p.m at Miss Prisca’s house that is Fr. Founder’s sister. One Ana Maria served them food, as Miss Prisca was not at home.


From there they came by a taxi and stepped the soil of Anjuna and resided at Santu Mama’s house at the request of Fr. Founder. She gave small room for the sisters to reside and Fr. Founder went to his house to stay. They stayed for six days and prepared tea in the mornings and Miss Prisca sent food for six days.


Mr. AntaoMascarenhas donated Rs.100.  Sisters along with Miss Prisca and Fr. Founder visited the Vicar of Vagator Fr. EtelvidesBaptista and some houses at Anjuna and the Vicar Rev. Alfredo Araujo.  Pidu and Delfina were sent from Sancoale to help sisters. Then sisters were shifted to Mr. Valle,s  house. On 11th June sisters started to admit the children. On 24th June the sisters carried their luggage to Paulo’s house. 26th June the three sisters and Delfine started to teach. On 7th July another teacher joined the school. She was from Assagao Miss Blanche Baptista the niece of the Vicar Fr. Baptista.


The sisters had to face lot of difficulties, as they had nothing in the house including the furniture. Even water facilities were not available. When the school started the children were flocking for admission. So much so the Principal of Arpora got angry. The Patriarch and Fr. Antonio Athaide Lobo who was in charge of schools in Goa had to settle the matter.   The Vicar of Vagator handed over the keys to the sisters and finally settled at Dr. Albuquerque’s house till date.


At present we continue the same mission what we started with by teaching in schools, catering the young ones through our boarding and are involved in the Parish activities. Our zeal goes, as we always desire to work for the great glory of God.



St. Micheal’s Convent, Anjuna-Goa

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