

The Chapel of St. Anthony’s is an historical Monument that brings to one’s memory the millions of years Faith that Christianity implanted on this soul of Goa, the entire world should get astonished at this marvelous monument that once upon a time created History and that same history is continuing its Historical work of preparation of faith for the welfare of Humanity.


With the Historical background, it is noteworthy at this juncture to discern a curious coincidence. In St. Anthony’s Chapel where the miraculous image of St. Anthony is venerated and where Ven. Fr. Joseph Vaz lived during studies of Humanities, is the Novitiate of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, native, poor and born at Sancoale in the House of St. Fr. Joseph Vaz.


Incidentally, as mentioned earlier both these historical places, viz. his house at Sancoale and the chapel of St. Anthony’s Old Goa, bear a significant relationship to the Sisters of the Holy Family Congregation, for St. Fr. Joseph Vaz, the great missionary and the apostle of Ceylon is to us an inspiration to practice charity and selfless service for the poor from our Spiritual Life   and missionary activity.


It was handed over by Bishop Mon. Francis Rebello of the Archdiocese of Goa in the year 1964. The Primitive community to start this house was Sr. Victoria, Sr. Zita, later Mother Circumcicao came in as the Superior along with Sr. Assumpta and helper Espu. Right in the same year foundation was laid to construct the residence. Being a hilly area,  Mother Circumcisao began the beginning, by the dint of their hard labour, by levelling the rocky ground with their own hands, planted coconut trees, the bread-fruit trees, guava, mango trees, etc. which are very significant to this day.


In 1967, the 1st wing of the building got ready.  And in 1968, the Novitiate from Sancoale was shifted over here. The 1st Novice Mistress was Sr. Gertrude with 8 Novices under her and Sr. Fremiot as assistant. In 1971, Sr. Fremiot was appointed as the Novice Mistress. After her term of 4 years in the year 1975, Sr. Lydia was given the charge.  These sisters with their holiness and God’s light, directed the young minds and hearts to God and helped them to understand their vocation.


Again in 1984, Sr. Fremiot was appointed as the Novices Mistress and Superior of the house. The novices are being trained in the Novitiate for a period of two years in all the spheres of life viz. spiritually, physically, socially, intellectually and morally thus making ready instrument in Lord’s vineyard.


In 1987, Sr. Joanita was the assistant Novice Mistress. There were 19 Novices, 10 First Years and 9 Second years. The Novitiate was self-sufficient with its poultry, piggery and diary products, besides, this Old Goa, is also noted for its plantation. After Sr. Joanita, we had Sr. Fremiot once again the Novice Mistress.  Then, we had Sr. Maria Angela,Sr. Sabrina, Sr. Elsy and today, Sr. Hilda is the Novice Mistress with four novices.


May the fragrance of our holiness and spirit of joy communicate to many young souls the love, peace and happiness felt being in the company of Jesus.


Holy Family Novitiate, Old Goa

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